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"Created with Microsoft® FrontPage® "
The Best Internet Resources for 
Marketing your Website.


Here's a short list of resources that we found to be the best on the net. There will be more to come as our research team evaluates other sites.

Submit it! Announcement Services
Announce your Web site to your choice of more than 400 search engines, directories, what's new sites, and award sites.
The ultimate bookmark for Web site owners. Lots of free tools including Submit It! Free.

Get a free mailing list for your Web site and stay in touch with your Web site visitors.

Set up a link partner program to reward other Web site owners for linking to your site.

Find additional announcement opportunities in our catalog of search engines and directories.
web-developer.gif (2391 bytes) WEB Developer's Virtual Library
Long-established online encyclopedia for web designers, webmasters, and Internet developers.
position-agent.gif (2744 bytes) Position Agent
Find out how your page ranks in search engines and how to move your site up in the listings.
gifpile.gif (498 bytes) Gifpile
A huge selection of artwork for your webpages.
html-goodies.gif (3226 bytes) HTML Goodies
Lots of really cool stuff here. An excellent reference for newbies and techies alike.

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